Amended April 2011
Approved by the AAOA October 2011

The name of this organization shall be the Advocates to the Indiana Association of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons. (Amended April, 2011)

The objectives shall be to create a better understanding of osteopathic medicine, to aid in the improvement of public health, to assist the osteopathic profession in every way possible, and to function as an integral part of the Advocates to the American Osteopathic Association. (Amended April, 2011)

Sec. 1 The classifications of members and eligibility requirements shall be:
(a) Active member.  The spouse, mother, daughter, sister or widow of an osteopathic physician.
(b) Life member.  Life membership shall be granted automatically to active members upon reaching age seventy, provided that membership has been maintained consecutively for twenty five years.
(c) Supportive member.  Affiliate Advocates (state and district) and Student Associate Advocates may provide for a supporting membership for those who choose to support and promote the osteopathic profession but who are not eligible to be a regular member.  This member shall not be seated as a delegate or alternate delegate to any convention. (Amended April, 2011)
Sec. 2 Membership shall be granted to those qualifying in accordance with the above payment of dues except one qualifying as a life member who shall be exempt from payment of dues.
Sec. 3 All members shall be eligible to hold office and serve on committees of the organization; only those who also are members of the AAOA shall be eligible to be elected as delegates and alternate delegates to the AAOA House of Delegates.
Sec. 4 Membership shall be terminated automatically in the event of a widow's marriage outside the profession; or if the license of the osteopathic physician has been revoked, suspended or recalled.

Sec. 1 The annual meeting shall be held at the same time and place as the annual convention of the Indiana Association of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons.
Sec. 2 Special meetings of the organization may be called by the Executive Board.
Sec. 3 Ten percent of the membership in good standing shall constitute a quorum for meetings of the organization.
Sec. 4 The Executive Board shall meet quarterly.
Sec. 5 Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President and shall be called upon request of any three members of the Executive Board.
Sec. 6 The Executive Committee shall meet immediately following the annual convention and at the call of the President.
Sec. 7 All members whose current annual dues are paid prior to the annual convention, shall be eligible to vote at the annual meeting.

ARTICLE V - DUES (Amended May, 1996)
Sec. 1 The annual per capita dues shall be:
(a) National Advocates dues $50.00 (Amended April, 2011)
(b) State Advocates dues $35.00 (Amended April, 2011)
(c) State supporting member dues $20.00 (Amended April, 2011)

Sec. 2 The annual per capita dues for spouses of interns, residents, and physicians in their first year of practice shall be:
(a) National Advocates dues $10.00 (Amended April, 2011)
(b) State Advocates dues $2.00 (Amended April, 2011)
(c) District Advocates dues levied in districts (Amended April, 2011)

Sec. 3 The annual per capita dues for spouses of retired and deceased osteopathic physicians shall be:
(a) National Advocates dues $10.00 (Amended April, 2011)
(b) State Advocates dues $5.00 (Amended April, 2011)

Sec. 4 The annual dues for spouses of osteopathic physicians in active military service shall be exempt from payment contingent upon waiver of the osteopathic physician's dues by the AOA.  (To become effective with the collection of 1967-68 dues).

Sec. 5 Annual dues shall be paid:
(a) National dues shall be billed from and paid directly to the AAOA office, 142 East Ontario Street, Chicago, IL 60611. (Amended April, 2011)
(b) National dues for widows, sisters, daughters, spouses of retired osteopathic physicians and students' spouses shall be paid to the respective state, district or local treasurer.  (These are the exceptions that would not be billed from the AAOA office).
(c) State dues shall be billed from and paid to the IOA office, 3520 Guion Road, Suite 202, Indianapolis, IN 46222.
(d) District dues shall be billed from and paid to the respective district treasurers.
(e) National dues may be paid to the state or district treasurers if not sent directly with the osteopathic physician's dues to the AOA.

Sec. 6 The fiscal year shall be June 1 to May 31, inclusive.

Sec. 1 The officers shall be elected at the annual meeting, to serve for a term of one year or until their successors are elected and qualified.

Sec. 2
(a) The Nominating Committee shall ascertain before submitting any nomination that the member is willing serve if elected.
(b) One member of each district, elected by the general membership shall serve on the Nominating Committee.
(c) The Nominating Committee shall submit one nominee for each office at the annual meeting.
(d) A majority vote shall constitute election.

Sec. 3 Delegates and alternate delegates to the AAOA House of Delegates shall be elected by consent at the annual meeting when the slate has been accepted as presented.

Sec. 1
(a) The officers shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary and a Treasurer.
(b) The officer appointed by the President with the approval of the elected officers, shall be a Parliamentarian.
(c) All elected and appointed officers and committee chairs shall be members of the AAOA. (Amended April, 2011)
(d) To be an officer, a candidate should have one year's experience as chair of a committee. (Amended April, 2011)

Sec. 2 The President shall:
(a) Preside at all meetings of the Advocates, the Executive Board and the Executive Committee. (Amended April, 2011)
(b) Sign warrants for the disbursement of funds.
(c) Be an Ex-Officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
(d) Work toward the accomplishment of the objectives of the Advocates. (Amended April, 2011)

Sec. 3 The Vice-President shall:
(a) Preside in the absence of the President.
(b) Automatically succeed to the office of President for the remainder of the term in the event of a vacancy in the office.
(c) Serve as historian.

Sec. 4 The Recording Secretary shall:
(a) Preside at all meetings of the Advocates, the Executive Board and the Executive Committee. (Amended April, 2011)
(b) Be custodian of the permanent records of the organization except those assigned to other officers or committees.
(c) Perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office.

Sec. 5 The Corresponding Secretary shall attend to the general correspondence of the organization as directed by the President, the Executive Board and the Executive Committee.

Sec. 6 The Treasurer shall:
(a) Receive and disburse the funds of the organization.
(b) Keep an accurate record of the membership.
(c) Keep warrants signed by the President authorizing the disbursement of funds.
(d) File such reports or forms as may be required by governmental agencies.

Sec. 7 The Parliamentarian shall:
(a) Attend the annual meeting and meetings of the Executive Board.
(b) Advise on points of parliamentary procedure as requested.
(c) Assist officers and committees with parliamentary procedure as requested.

Sec. 8 In case a vacancy occurs in any office, except that of the President, a successor for the unexpired term shall be appointed by the Executive Board.

Sec. 1 The Executive Board shall consist of the officers, the immediate Past President, district presidents and chairs of committees. (Amended April, 2011)
Sec. 2 The Executive Board shall conduct the business of the organization between meetings of the organization.
Sec. 3 Five members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum.

Sec. 1 The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers and the immediate Past President.
Sec. 2 The Executive Committee shall:
(a) Conduct the business of the organization between meetings of the Executive Board.
(b) Appoint at its first meeting, chairs of the standing committees and all other committees. (Amended April, 2011)

Sec. 1 The standing committees shall be By-Laws; Convention; Membership; Motyka Dannin Osteopathic Educational Foundation (Motyka Dannin Foundation); Public Relations, Public Education, and Publicity Program; and Ways and Means. (Amended April, 2011)
Sec. 2 The standing committees shall each consist of a chair, appointed by the Executive Committee, and any appointed district chairs; or the district presidents where chairs are not appointed.  The exceptions shall be Convention. (Amended April, 2011)
Sec. 3 The By-Laws Committee shall study the By-Laws and Standing Rules and submit such amendments as deemed necessary and shall submit such amendments referred to it by district advocates and the Executive Board. (Amended April, 2011)
Sec. 4 The Convention Committee, composed of three members appointed by the Executive Board, shall plan and supervise the arrangements for the annual convention, working in cooperation with the Public Relations, Public Education, and Publicity Program Committee.  The chair shall be a resident of the convention city unless the meeting is held where there are no osteopathic physicians. (Amended April, 2011)
Sec. 5 The Membership Committee shall work for an increase in membership, with a goal of 100% membership.
Sec. 6 The Ways and Means Committee shall plan a state-wide ways and means project and submit the plan to the Executive Board for approval at its first meeting following the annual convention.  Upon approval, the Committee shall supervise the project.
Sec. 7 The Motyka Dannin Foundation Committee shall consist of four members to be known as Trustees.  The President, the immediate Past President, the Committee chair, the Committee co-chair, and three members of the IAOPS Motyka Dannin Foundation Committee shall serve as Trustees of the Foundation.  They shall convene at the annual meetings of the Advocates and the IAOPS. This corporation shall raise and distribute funds primarily in support of the study of osteopathic medicine, including the awarding of scholarships.  The Committee shall foster interest in increased contributions to the Motyka Dannin Foundation. (Amended April, 2011)
Sec. 8 The Public Relations, Public Education, and Publicity Program Committee shall encourage the district advocates to participate in federations and charities; shall work out suggestions for public relations programs, including vocational guidance and student selection; and shall cooperate with the Public Relations Committees of the IAOPS and the AAOA.  It shall study legislation relating to public health and keep the district advocates informed of such legislation pending or enacted. It shall inform the district advocates of agencies and encourage them to participate in public health and civic projects. The Committee shall secure, edit and submit material for publication in AAOA Accents and the Hoosier D.O.; shall work with press representatives of the IAOPS at the time of the annual convention; shall work for good press, radio and T.V. relations at all levels.  It shall promote a display of yearbooks and news bulletins during the annual convention. One member shall be responsible for maintaining the Advocates Scrapbook. (Amended April, 2011)
Sec. 9 The chairs of the standing committees shall report quarterly to the Executive Board and to the organization at the annual meeting. (Amended April, 2011)

Sec. 1 Special committees shall be Budget, Auditing and Nominating.
Sec. 2 The special committees shall serve a specific purpose and shall not hold positions on the Executive Board.
Sec. 3 The chairs of the special committees shall report annually to the organization at the annual meeting. (Amended April, 2011)
Sec. 4 The Budget Committee shall assist the Treasurer in preparing a budget prior to the annual meeting which shall include anticipated expenditures and state contributions to other national funds voted from the treasury.  Ways and means projects shall not be anticipated and budgeted by the Committee.
Sec. 5 The Auditing Committee shall review and audit the Treasurer's accounts prior to the annual meeting.
Sec. 6 The Nominating Committee shall be elected and serve as stated in Article VI, Sec. 2.
Sec. 7 The Jule Warner-Frances Allen Committee shall consist of the members who have received this award the preceding three years.  This award shall be presented during the President’s Luncheon at the annual convention.

Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern all proceedings of the organization not provided for in the By-Laws.

The By-Laws may be amended at any annual meeting by a two-thirds vote, provided such amendments have been submitted to the membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting; or by a vote of the majority of the entire membership without previous notice, except for Articles I, II, III, V, VI, XI, XII and XIII.

1. The annual contribution of $150.00 shall be made to the Motyka Dannin Foundation. (Amended April, 2011).
2. Twenty five dollars shall be sent to the Motyka Dannin Foundation in the memory of any advocates member or member of the IAOPS in event of death, and a note sent to the family informing them of the memorial dedication. (Amended April, 2011)
3. Twenty five dollars shall be sent to the Motyka Dannin Foundation in honor of the immediate Past President of the Advocates to the IAOPS. (Amended April, 2011)
4. The Executive Board shall appoint a delegate to the AAOA House of Delegates in the event of a vacancy.
5. A pin and gavel shall be given to the outgoing President.  The Treasurer shall order the pin and gavel to be presented at the annual meeting.
6. Delegates to the National Convention shall be reimbursed for a portion of their expenses, the amount to be determined each year by the Executive Board.  The Treasurer shall be authorized to pay the pre-convention registration fees, upon request of the President. The delegates attending shall be compensated on a per diem basis.
7. The annual reports of officers and committee chairs shall be printed for distribution at the annual meeting. (Amended April, 2011)


Spouse of a D.O. in active practice (two years or more) - $35.00
Spouse of retired or deceased physician - $5.00
Spouse of intern, resident, or D.O. in first year of practice - $2.00
Supportive - $ 20.00
Spouse of a D.O. in the military - Complimentary
Life - Complimentary