IOAPACINDIANA OSTEOPATHIC ASSOCIATION POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEEThe Indiana Osteopathic Association Political Action Committee (IOAPAC) accepts contributions from friends of the IOA and makes donations to key state legislators' campaigns who are friends to medicine. As a state level political action committee, the IOA PAC can accept personal or business checks. The IOAPAC may not contribute to candidates for office outside Indiana or to candidates for any Federal office. Contributions or gifts to the IOAPAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Please help the osteopathic profession thrive in Indiana by supporting the IOA PAC and your local state senator or representative. You can send a check made payable to IOAPAC, or host a small gathering of colleagues to meet with a candidate from your district to share concerns about your practice and the future of medicine. Please call Richard Nussle, Executive Director of the IOA, at (317) 926-3009, with questions or an interest in hosting a fundraiser for an Indiana General Assembly member. Contribute to the IOAPAC online here. Mail contributions payable to the IOAPAC to: